php - Install Symfony as a library -

i'm working on project use symphony build application going library other php projects.

we want install symfony , manage dependencies through composer. structure we're after this:

/   composer.json   /symfony     /src     /app   /vendor     /symfony     /doctrine 

the vendor directory not committed source control since it's contents generated composer. symfony directory our application source directory if possible prefer have src , app directories sit directly in root next composer.json.

since want/need create bundle our application (for orm entities etc.) , can't place of in vendor directory question is;

a) possible?

b) there resources out there set structure this?

take @ default directory structure after fresh install. it's want! don't know, or devs doing, got symfony folder next composer.json

everything code lives under src/ dircetory next composer.json
configure lives under app/config/ directory.
nothing lives in symfony framework itself, depend on symfony.

edit: installing symfony standard edition composer:

php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition path/ 2.2.1 

and result:

/path/to/symfony +---- app/           # app directory configuration , autoloader lives +---- bin/           # binaries, don't ask me ;) +---- composer.json  # dependency management +---- composer.lock  # version lock file +---- license        # license file +----      # should read +---- src/           # code , bundles lives! +---- # upgrade infos  +----     # upgrade infos +---- vendor/        # vendor directory, symfony components , bundles, |                    # other bundles , libraries are. not vcs. +---- web/           # web files, should documentroot of webserver. 


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