c++ - How to perform a deep copy of a char *? -

i'm little confused on how perform deep copy of char *. have:

appointment(appointment& a) {   subject = new char;   *subject = *(a.subject); }  appointment(appointment& b) {   location = new char;   *location = *(b.location); }  char *subject; char *location; 

i'm trying perform deep copy of char pointers subject , location. work? if not, advice on how go doing this?

since using c++ should using std::string string needs.

the following code wrote

appointment(appointment& a) {   subject = new char;   *subject = *(a.subject); } 

will not think do, above allocate 1 character (new char) assign first character of a.subject (*subject = *(a.subject))

in order copy string char* points must first determine string length, allocate memory hold string , copy characters.

appointment(appointment& a) {   size_t len = strlen(a.subject)+1;   subject = new char [len]; // allocate string , ending \0   strcpy_s(subject,len,a.subject); } 

an alternative way char* use std::vector<char>, depends on want string.


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