osx - Objective c: How to know picture's inspector information -

i know information of picture in inspector. there way retrieve information objective-c.

enter image description here

the above screenshot sample of inspector window. i'd information of window using objective c. !!

while of properties nsimage or cgimage, i'd take @ imageio.framework.
has advantage can read headers of several image formats without reading whole image ram.
apple provides sample app need:imageapp

details obtaining metadata imageio can found in image i/o programming guide's "displaying image properties" section.

to file metadata can use nsfilemanager's attributesofitematpath:::

nserror* error = nil; nsdictionary* fileattributedict = [[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] attributesofitematpath:imagefilepath error:&error]; nslog(@"creation date:%@\nmodification date:%@", fileattributedict.filecreationdate, fileattributedict.filemodificationdate); 


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