multithreading - Why Unit test of WebServer project shows strange behaviour? -

i writing unit test of project http threadpooled web server. using junit in maven.

in mean while stuck in 1 place, , doubt follows,

  1. there 1 class named webserver, task start server, makes threadpool, , starts listening on port client request. when make thread same, in test class under annotation @beforeclass, expected wait client request , comes out shows test completes.

    public class webservertest {

    @beforeclass public static void webserverstarter() {     system.out.println("before class : webserverstarter");     new thread(new webserver()).start(); }  @afterclass public static void webservercleanup() {     system.out.println("after class : webserverstarter"); } 


i don't understand why not waits client request. please me in writing unit test testing http threadpooled webserver.

the @before executed before every single test. if want use 1 single webserver, make object!


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