Setting up Point Cloud Library with Visual Studio -

i trying use point cloud library visual studio. downloaded all-in-one 64 bit installer, visual studio 10 , installed them. cannot run on visual studio 2010, have tried tutorial on official page no luck.

i want add includes , lib location, .lib files in properties of solution.

i have done before opencv, pcl don't know files , folders have add.

also .dll files have add path of system variables.

cmake didn't work, , prefer not use it.

  • you have add include directories project @ project properties / configuration properties / vc++ directories / include directories field - here specify path pcl/include directory , 3rd party include directories (see pcl/3rdparty folder)

  • you have add library directories on same settings page (library directories field) - here specify path pcl/lib directory , non-header-only 3rd party libs (namely boost, flann, vtk)

  • you have tell linker, libs use. can done on project properties / configuration properties / linker / input / additional dependencies field. add libs using. likely, need pcl_common, pcl_io, pcl_visualization , others if using functionalities other basics. aware add _release libs release configuration , _debug libs debug configuration (which should 64bit configuration in case).

  • do above twice, if plan use both configurations (debug , release)

  • add pcl/bin folder system path variable (you don't need add specific dll files, folder).


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