Sorting on a count field in web2py -

i have following code in web2py. trying retrieve how many types of items have in table , count of how many of each of them there are.

count = db.table.field1.count() rows=db((some criteria).select(db.table.field2, count, groupby=db.table.field2) print rows 

the print of is:

table.field2, count(table.field1) 4,3 6,4 9,2 

now sort high low count field, outcome be:

6,4 4,3 9,2 

what's best way it? rows=rows.sort(lambda row: row.count(table.field1)) did not work me.

instead of row.count(table.field1), use row['count(table.field1)'] or row[count] (see here).

note, can have database sorting using orderby argument:

rows = db(query).select(db.table.field2, count,                         groupby=db.table.field2, orderby=count) 

and descending order: orderby=~count


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