python - newby needs guidance with what is probably a simple function -

i'm struggling write function pass following doctests. can't find way make third argument in parameter optional:

write whole function definition make_numberlist including function header , body doctests pass

def make_numberlist(): """ return list of numbers first last exclusive optional step. >>> make_numberlist(3,9,2) [3, 5, 7] >>> make_numberlist(-3,2) [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1] >>> make_numberlist(5,1,-1) [5, 4, 3, 2] """ return range (r1, r2, step) 

you need give function arguments:

def make_numberlist(r1, r2, step=1):     return range(r1, r2, step) 

r1 , r2 required arguments, step optional , has default value of 1.

you do:

make_numberlist = range 

if you're using python 3 (which are), range doesn't return list, take consideration.


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