how to post message on wall on LinkedIn in android -
i'm using selvin's code in apps..but not getting how post message on wall.. here code.. have refer link integration here posting linkedin message android application
package pl.osadkowski.litest; import; import android.content.intent; import android.content.sharedpreferences; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.widget.textview; import android.widget.toast; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class litestactivity extends activity { // /change keysssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! static final string consumer_key = "6oj6vol2hva6"; static final string consumer_secret = "rreh5pzhdgzxzmpq"; static final string app_name = "litest"; static final string oauth_callback_scheme = "x-oauthflow-linkedin"; static final string oauth_callback_host = "litestcalback"; static final string oauth_callback_url = string.format("%s://%s", oauth_callback_scheme, oauth_callback_host); static final string oauth_query_token = "oauth_token"; static final string oauth_query_verifier = "oauth_verifier"; static final string oauth_query_problem = "oauth_problem"; final linkedinoauthservice oauthservice = linkedinoauthservicefactory .getinstance().createlinkedinoauthservice(consumer_key, consumer_secret); final linkedinapiclientfactory factory = linkedinapiclientfactory .newinstance(consumer_key, consumer_secret); static final string oauth_pref = "likedin_oauth"; static final string pref_token = "token"; static final string pref_tokensecret = "tokensecret"; static final string pref_reqtokensecret = "requesttokensecret"; textview tv = null; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); tv = new textview(this); setcontentview(tv); final sharedpreferences pref = getsharedpreferences(oauth_pref, mode_private); final string token = pref.getstring(pref_token, null); final string tokensecret = pref.getstring(pref_tokensecret, null); if (token == null || tokensecret == null) { startautheniticate(); } else { showcurrentuser(new linkedinaccesstoken(token, tokensecret)); } } void startautheniticate() { final linkedinrequesttoken litoken = oauthservice .getoauthrequesttoken(oauth_callback_url); final string uri = litoken.getauthorizationurl(); getsharedpreferences(oauth_pref, mode_private).edit() .putstring(pref_reqtokensecret, litoken.gettokensecret()) .commit(); intent = new intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(uri)); startactivity(i); } void finishauthenticate(final uri uri) { if (uri != null && uri.getscheme().equals(oauth_callback_scheme)) { final string problem = uri.getqueryparameter(oauth_query_problem); if (problem == null) { final sharedpreferences pref = getsharedpreferences(oauth_pref, mode_private); final linkedinaccesstoken accesstoken = oauthservice .getoauthaccesstoken( new linkedinrequesttoken(uri .getqueryparameter(oauth_query_token), pref.getstring(pref_reqtokensecret, null)), uri.getqueryparameter(oauth_query_verifier)); pref.edit() .putstring(pref_token, accesstoken.gettoken()) .putstring(pref_tokensecret, accesstoken.gettokensecret()) .remove(pref_reqtokensecret).commit(); showcurrentuser(accesstoken); } else { toast.maketext(this, "appliaction down due oauth problem: " + problem, toast.length_long).show(); finish(); } } } void cleartokens() { getsharedpreferences(oauth_pref, mode_private).edit() .remove(pref_token).remove(pref_tokensecret) .remove(pref_reqtokensecret).commit(); } void showcurrentuser(final linkedinaccesstoken accesstoken) { final linkedinapiclient client = factory .createlinkedinapiclient(accesstoken); try { final person p = client.getprofileforcurrentuser(); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // here can client api calls ... // client.postcomment(arg0, arg1); // client.updatecurrentstatus(arg0); // or other api call (this sample check current user // , shows in textview) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tv.settext(p.getlastname() + ", " + p.getfirstname()); } catch (linkedinapiclientexception ex) { cleartokens(); toast.maketext( this, "appliaction down due linkedinapiclientexception: " + ex.getmessage() + " authokens cleared - try run application again.", toast.length_long).show(); finish(); } } @override protected void onnewintent(intent intent) { finishauthenticate(intent.getdata()); } }
plz provide me java , xml code well...thanks in advance
once got accesstoken got in finishauthenticate() method, write following code post update in asynctask's doinbackground method.
linkedinapiclient client = factory.createlinkedinapiclient(accesstoken); client.postnetworkupdate(your_message_string);
simple, isn't it?
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