java - System.load() never happens -

i using system.load() on self signed java applet, older version of dll loads fine, new version (even though dll builds fine) not load, not throw exceptions, stops code in it's tracks.

any ideas may cause this?

this html deploys jar file:

<embed  id = "ib"  type = "application/x-java-applet"  width = "{$width}"  height = "{$height}"  code = "{$code}" archive = "{$archive}" username = "{$username}" password = "{$password}" account = "{$customer_ref}" debug = "{$debug}" baseweburl = "{$baseweburl}" webserviceurl = "{$webserviceurl}" /> 

the c++ added create dll file:

header (javah created)

/*  * class:     i_jni_b  * method:    deviceonline  * signature: ()z  */ jniexport jboolean jnicall java_i_jni_b_deviceonline   (jnienv *, jobject); 

cpp file

jniexport jboolean jnicall java_i_jni_b_deviceonline   (jnienv *env, jobject) {     try     {         cdevice* clsdevice = new cdevice();         clsdevice->initialize();         clsdevice->release();         return true;     }     catch (system::exception^ ex)     {         return false;     } } 

you never believe sollution: had visual studio in debug mode.. when set release mode, functions perfectly! maybe save time...


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