android - Unable to access jarfile SignApk -

i'm trying sign apk signapk, keep getting error:

error: unable access jarfile signapk.jar 

i have appended jdk directory signapk directory system path variable. java command works fine through command-line, can't seem -jar option work correctly signing apks.

my signapk folder located on c:\ drive, looks this: enter image description here

here trying through command-line: enter image description here

please ignore blank space in between variables trying cover details. syntax using is:

java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 myapk.apk myapk-signed.apk 

i have tried commands signapk directory bin directory inside of directory. can me troubleshoot how resolve issue? thanks

as might notice, there no signapk.jar file there, there signapk without extension.

download different signapk here: password: sanketn8 


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