java - Dynamically use Datasource based on groupid Liferay 6.0 -

how dynamically used different database based on groupid logging user? example group name xl want use database xlportlet ,and if user iwth groupname carto using database cartoportlet,how achieve in liferay??can use service builder achieve this?i've try using ext-spring connect other database lportal,but doesnt dynamic idea how achieve this? thank's



i not sure understand question correctly service builder can create tables , portlets group , portal instance aware.

just make sure have following in service.xml

<!-- audit fields --> <column name="companyid" type="long" /> <column name="groupid" type="long" /> <column name="userid" type="long" /> <column name="username" type="string" /> <column name="createdate" type="date" /> <column name="modifieddate" type="date" /> 

then not have have separate databases each community data community aware in 1 database.


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