javascript - Input from some text areas for highcharts tooltip -

i making highcharts line graph in tooltip points taken dynamically user through text areas placed inside jquery ui dialog.i have made 2 colums of text areas , want tooltip taken form text-areas in second column palced inside form.i tried specifying form id of 2nd column of text areas input selector it's not working.i tried under tooltip section of highcharts.

tool tip code..

           tooltip: {            formatter: function () {             var seriei = this.series.index;           var index = datavalues.indexof(this.y);          var index1= datavalues2.indexof(this.y);           debugger;             var comment = "";             if (seriei == 0) {                 comment = $("#ppform.textarea:eq(" + (index) + ")").val();             } else {                //comment = "second serie matched!";                 comment = $("#ppform.textarea:eq(" + (index1) + ")").val();             }             /*return ''+ this.x +                 '</b> <b>' + this.y + '</b> -->' + comment;*/             return '-->'+comment;         }     } 

the js fidddle given here..

you missed 1 space below

if (seriei == 0) {                     comment = $("#ppform textarea:eq(" + (index) + ")").val();                 } else {                    //comment = "second serie matched!";                     comment = $("#ppform textarea:eq(" + (index1) + ")").val();                 } 

check working sample


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