mvc - How to deploy mvc application -

i have finished mvc application , want publish on test website. managed publish files publish command in vs, when access link app, nothing.

i used ftp publish website, checked if files on host, are, application not open. index.cshtml not showing. need configuration in order make work ?

also, followed steps

is there change have make web.release.config , web.debug.config ?

here web.config :

<configsections>  <section name="entityframework" type=", entityframework, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" requirepermission="false" /> </configsections> <connectionstrings>   <add name="defaultconnection" connectionstring="data source=xxxxx initial catalog=xxxx; persist security info=true; user id=xxxxx; password=xxxxx" providername="" /> <add name="cdsentities" connectionstring="metadata=res://*/models.cds.csdl|res://*/models.cds.ssdl|res://*/models.cds.msl;;provider connection string=&quot;data source=xxxx;initial catalog=xxxxx;user id=xxxx;password=xxxxx;multipleactiveresultsets=true;app=entityframework&quot;" providername="" /></connectionstrings> 

and here web.release.config :

<system.web> <compilation xdt:transform="removeattributes(debug)" /> <!--   in example below, "replace" transform replace entire    <customerrors> section of web.config file.   note because there 1 customerrors section under    <system.web> node, there no need use "xdt:locator" attribute.    <customerrors defaultredirect="genericerror.htm"     mode="remoteonly" xdt:transform="replace">     <error statuscode="500" redirect="internalerror.htm"/>   </customerrors> --> 

and web.debug.config :

<system.web> <!--   in example below, "replace" transform replace entire    <customerrors> section of web.config file.   note because there 1 customerrors section under    <system.web> node, there no need use "xdt:locator" attribute.    <customerrors defaultredirect="genericerror.htm"     mode="remoteonly" xdt:transform="replace">     <error statuscode="500" redirect="internalerror.htm"/>   </customerrors> --> 

to answer own question : did following :

publish using vs, added files using ftp on server.

then added following web.config because got following error :

server error in '/' application. there no build provider registered extension '.cshtml'. can register 1 in section in machine.config or web.config. make sure has buildproviderappliestoattribute attribute includes value 'web' or 'all'.

so added following :

<compilation debug="true" targetframework="4.0">    <assemblies>     <add assembly="system.web.abstractions, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" />     <add assembly="system.web.helpers, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" />     <add assembly="system.web.routing, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" />     <add assembly="system.web.mvc, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" />     <add assembly="system.web.webpages, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" />   </assemblies> </compilation> 

after in web.release.config added connection string web.config. give example make clearer :

<connectionstrings>   <add name="eaf" connectionstring="data source=ntsqlt\s2k5tst;initial catalog=hr;user id=eafapp;password=xxxx" providername="" /> </connectionstring> 

and web.release.config added xdt:transform="setattributes" xdt:locator="match(name)" each connection string.

<connectionstrings>   <add name="eaf" connectionstring="data source=ntsqlp\s2k5tst;initial catalog=hr;user id=eafapp;password=yyyy" xdt:transform="setattributes" xdt:locator="match(name)" />  </connectionstrings> 


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