offline caching - HTML5 Cache Manifest Fallback Page -

i trying cache manifest fallback offline.aspx page when offline.

so when current page contains following cache manifest loaded online displays normal, when there no internet connection offline.aspx shown instead of current page.

cache manifest # v1.39  network: *  fallback: / /offline.aspx 

is possible? understanding can replace current page offline fallback page? manifest file correct?

i replaced /s /*s , still didn't work. chrome developer tools shows offline.aspx in cache type 'fallback' , default.aspx 'master'. when offline offline.aspx never gets shown - still shows default.aspx. i'm going offline disabling local area connection in network adapters in windows 7.

check these examples:

static.html served if main.html inaccessible

offline.jpg served in place of images in images/large/

offline.html served in place of other .html files (for case try /* or *)

fallback: /main.html /static.html images/large/ images/offline.jpg *.html /offline.html 



network: * 

should like:

network:  / or /* 

these question can too: html5 cache manifest: fallback section & network *


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