.net - WPF ItemsControl horizontal orientation and fill parent? -

i trying horizontally place items in itemcontrol whilst making them fill parent control.

here xaml:

             <itemscontrol itemssource="{binding annualweatherviewmodels}" visibility="{binding isannualweatherviewmodels, converter={staticresource visibilityconverter}}">                 <itemscontrol.itemspanel>                     <itemspaneltemplate>                         <stackpanel orientation="horizontal"></stackpanel>                     </itemspaneltemplate>                 </itemscontrol.itemspanel>                 <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>                     <datatemplate>                         <v:aerosolsimpleweathercharacteristicsview datacontext="{binding}"></v:aerosolsimpleweathercharacteristicsview>                     </datatemplate>                 </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>             </itemscontrol> 

the 2 variations have tried itemscontrol.itemspanel are:

<stackpanel orientation="horizontal"></stackpanel> 


<dockpanel lastchildfill="false"></dockpanel> 

however neither achieve desired result, stackpanel compresses items , dockpanel either fill space of parent control large portion of space dedicated last item or not fill parent space depending on value of lastchildfill.

so how can layout items of itemscontrol horizontally , have them fill space of parent control?

i ended creating custom control sugested in answer:

public partial class stretchingpanel : grid     {         public static readonly dependencyproperty orientationproperty =             dependencyproperty.register("orientation", typeof(orientation), typeof(stretchingpanel), new uipropertymetadata(system.windows.controls.orientation.horizontal));          public static readonly dependencyproperty fillfirstitemproperty =             dependencyproperty.register("fillfirstitem", typeof(bool), typeof(stretchingpanel), new uipropertymetadata(true));          public static readonly dependencyproperty fillfirstitemfactorproperty =             dependencyproperty.register("fillfirstitemfactor", typeof(double), typeof(stretchingpanel), new uipropertymetadata(1.8));          public orientation orientation         {                         {                 return (orientation)getvalue(orientationproperty);             }             set             {                 setvalue(orientationproperty, value);             }         }          public bool fillfirstitem         {                         {                 return (bool)getvalue(fillfirstitemproperty);             }             set             {                 setvalue(fillfirstitemproperty, value);             }         }          public double fillfirstitemfactor         {                         {                 return (double)getvalue(fillfirstitemfactorproperty);             }             set             {                 setvalue(fillfirstitemfactorproperty, value);             }         }          protected override void onvisualchildrenchanged(dependencyobject visualadded, dependencyobject visualremoved)         {             if (orientation == system.windows.controls.orientation.horizontal)             {                 columndefinitions.clear();                 (int = 0; < children.count; ++i)                 {                     var column = new columndefinition();                     if (i == 0 && fillfirstitem)                         column.width = new gridlength(fillfirstitemfactor, gridunittype.star);                     columndefinitions.add(column);                     grid.setcolumn(children[i], i);                 }             }             else             {                 rowdefinitions.clear();                 (int = 0; < children.count; ++i)                 {                     var row = new rowdefinition();                     if (i == 0 && fillfirstitem)                         row.height = new gridlength(fillfirstitemfactor, gridunittype.star);                     rowdefinitions.add(row);                     grid.setrow(children[i], i);                 }             }             base.onvisualchildrenchanged(visualadded, visualremoved);         }          public stretchingpanel()         {             initializecomponent();         }     } 

so want proportionally stretch items. if achievable @ standard panels, it's grid (which can have proportional columns), require setting columndefinitions after itemsource changes.

it's simple custom panel:

class proportionallystretchingpanel : panel {     protected override size measureoverride(size availablesize)     {         foreach (uielement child in internalchildren)             child.measure(availablesize);         return availablesize;     }      protected override size arrangeoverride(size availablesize)     {         double widthsum = 0.0;         foreach (uielement child in internalchildren)         {             widthsum += child.desiredsize.width;         }         double x = 0.0;         foreach (uielement child in internalchildren)         {             double proportionalwidth = child.desiredsize.width / widthsum * availablesize.width;             child.arrange(                 new rect(                     new point(x, 0.0),                     new point(x + proportionalwidth, availablesize.height)));             x += proportionalwidth;         }         return availablesize;     } }  <itemspaneltemplate>     <local:proportionallystretchingpanel"/> </itemspaneltemplate> 


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