titanium - Increase Navigation bar height for ipad -

trying increase navigation bar ipad

navgroup.height = 80;           

can on suggest me increasing navigation bar ipad.

well, apple's ios human interface guidelines states "don’t specify height of navigation bar programmatically,".

so can't, hardcoded 44dip on ipad.

however, make own navbar view, own custom gradient, float top of window, start, background gradient , custom height of 50px:

var win = ti.ui.createwindow({     navbarhidden : true }); var navbar = ti.ui.createview({     top : 0,     width : ti.ui.fill,     height : 50, // custom navbar height     backgroundgradient : { // nice linear gradient, put own custom colors here         type : 'linear',         startpoint : {             x : 0,             y : 0         },         endpoint : {             x : 0,             y : '100%'         },         colors : [{             color : '#75060a',             offset : 0.0         }, {             color : '#cc0000',             offset : 1.0         }]     } }); // add bottom border view, looks better imo navbar.add(ti.ui.createview({     width : ti.ui.fill,     height : 1,     bottom : 0,     backgroundcolor : '#000000' })) win.add(navbar); 

you may want add custom buttons , titles make more functional should started. nice part approach have control, , cross platform (works on android quite nicely).


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