Issue with Highcharts pie charts with frameset -

i using highcharts pie charts. displaying 4 pie charts in single page different series of data. it's working , good. if im using frameset , calling pages inside these pie charts not displaying, if move page forwared backward charts displaying. kindly figure out this.

<?php include('../control/config.php'); if($_request['basic']!=null) {     if($_request['basic']=='internal')     {         $basepage='internal.php';     }     if($_request['basic']=='external')     {         $basepage='index.php';     } }  $projectdir= '../data/project'; // open known directory, , proceed read filename if (is_dir($projectdir)) {     if ($dh = opendir($projectdir))     {         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)         {             if($file!="." , $file!=".." , $file!=".svn")             {                 $project_files[]=$file;             }         }         closedir($dh);     } }   if($_request['pie']!=null){      if($_request['pie']==0){     $pie1=0;     $pie2=1;     $pie3=2;     $pie4=3;     }     if($_request['pie']==1){     $pie1=4;     $pie2=5;     $pie3=6;     $pie4=7;     }     if($_request['pie']==2){     $pie1=8;     $pie2=9;     $pie3=10;     $pie4=11;     }     if($_request['pie']==3){     $pie1=12;     $pie2=13;     $pie3=14;     $pie4=15;     }   } else{ $pie1=0; 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    //milliseconds load next page. } timegreeting(); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/highcharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/pie.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var myfile='<?php echo $project_files[$pie1];?>';          var options1 = {                         chart: {                                 renderto: 'container1',                                 defaultseriestype: 'pie',                                         spacingtop: 10,                                         spacingbottom: 5,                                         spacingleft: 5,                                         spacingright: 5                          },                         title: {                            text: '<?php echo $projectname1[0];?>'                         },                         plotoptions: {                                       pie: {                                       size:'74%',                                           allowpointselect: false,                                           cursor: 'pointer',                                           showinlegend: false,                                            datalabels: {                                            rotation: 0,                                           distance: 10,                                               enabled: true,                                               color: '#2f7ed8',                                                 formatter: function() {                                               if(this.y == 0)                                                                          return null                                                                      else                              return  + ' [ ' + highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 0) + ' ]'; 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                // iterate on lines , add categories or series               $.each(lines, function(lineno,line) {                 var items = line.split(',');            {                     type:'pie',                     name: items[0],                     y:parsefloat(items[1])                  });               });               options1.series.push(series);                 // create chart                 var chart = new highcharts.chart(options1);             });  </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var myfile='<?php echo '../data/project/'.$project_files[$pie2];?>';             var options2 = {                         chart: {                            renderto: 'container2',                            defaultseriestype: 'pie',                            spacingtop: 10,                                                                 spacingbottom: 5,                                                                 spacingleft: 5,                                         spacingright: 5                         },                         title: {                            text: '<?php echo $projectname2[0];?>'                         },                        plotoptions: {                                       pie: {                                           size:'74%',                                           allowpointselect: false,                                           cursor: 'pointer',                                           showinlegend: false,                                            datalabels: {                                           rotation: 0,                                               distance: 10,                                               color: '#2f7ed8',                                                enabled: true,                                              formatter: function() {                                                                                                                                       if(this.y == 0)                                                                                                                                                                  return null                                                                                                                                                              else                                                                                                                         return  + ' [ ' + highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 0) + ' ]'; }                                           }                                       }             },                            colors: [                               '#4572a7',                               '#aa4643',                               '#db843d'                            ],                        series : []                      };                      $.get(myfile,function(data) {                  // split lines                 var lines = data.split(';');                 var series = {                  datalabels: {                             enabled: true,                             style: {             color: '#000000',             fontfamily: 'verdana',             fontsize: '12px',             lineheight: '21px' }},                         data: []                 };                 // iterate on lines , add categories or series               $.each(lines, function(lineno,line) {                 var items = line.split(',');           {                     type:'pie',                     name: items[0],                     y:parsefloat(items[1])                  }); 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                                                                                                              }                                           }                                       }             },                            colors: [                               '#4572a7',                               '#aa4643',                               '#db843d'                            ],                        series : []                      };                      $.get(myfile,function(data) {                  // split lines                 var lines = data.split(';');                 var series = {                  datalabels: {                             enabled: true,                             style: {             color: '#000000',             fontfamily: 'verdana',             fontsize: '12px',             lineheight: '21px' }},                         data: []                 };                 // iterate on lines , add categories or series               $.each(lines, function(lineno,line) {                 var items = line.split(',');           {                     type:'pie',                     name: items[0],                     y:parsefloat(items[1])                  });               });               options3.series.push(series);                 // create chart                 var chart = new highcharts.chart(options3);             }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var myfile='<?php echo '../data/project/'.$project_files[$pie4];?>';              var options4 = {                         chart: {                            renderto: 'container4',                            defaultseriestype: 'pie',                            spacingtop: 10,                                                                 spacingbottom: 5,                                                                 spacingleft: 5,                                         spacingright: 5                         },                         title: {                            text: '<?php echo $projectname4[0];?>'                         },                        plotoptions: {                                       pie: {                                           size:'74%',                                           allowpointselect: false,                                           cursor: 'pointer',                                           showinlegend: false,                                            datalabels: {                                           rotation: 0,                                               distance: 10,                                               color: '#2f7ed8',                                                enabled: true,                                                formatter: function() {                                                                                           if(this.y == 0)                                                                                                                      return null                                                                                                                  else                                                                       return  + ' [ ' + highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 0) + ' ]'; }                                            }                                       }             },                            colors: [                               '#4572a7',                               '#aa4643',                               '#db843d'                            ],                        series : []                      };                      $.get(myfile,function(data) {                  // split lines                 var lines = data.split(';');                 var series = {                  datalabels: {                             enabled: true,                             style: {             color: '#000000',             fontfamily: 'verdana',             fontsize: '12px',             lineheight: '21px' }},                         data: []                 };                 // iterate on lines , add categories or series               $.each(lines, function(lineno,line) {                 var items = line.split(',');           {                     type:'pie',                     name: items[0],                     y:parsefloat(items[1])                  });               });               options4.series.push(series);                 // create chart                 var chart = new highcharts.chart(options4);             }); </script>   </head> <body>  <?php include('header.php');?>     <table border='0' width='100%'> <tr>     <td width='50%' align='right' valign='top'>       <?php include('pie1.php');?>     </td>  <td width='50%' align='right' valign='top'>   <?php include('pie2.php');?>     </td>  </tr>  <tr>     <td width='50%' align='right' valign='top'>       <?php include('pie3.php');?>     </td>  <td width='50%' align='right' valign='top'>   <?php include('pie4.php');?> </td>  </tr> </table> </body> </html> 


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