Android library project is not getting included in Gradle build -

this query continuation previous question did not answer requesting here. previous question can found here (android - gradle multiproject include , exclude libraries)

with productflavors, 1 can avoid include , exclude library projects main project. in case, projecta----- mainproject,
liba ---- library project,
libb ---- library project,

liba classes used in projecta. libb classes not used where. library required part of projecta.apk(mentioned in projecta manifest file)

after "gradle build", in build/classes/flavor/debug or release/packagename/.. liba classes there. libb classes not there in build/classes/.. path , libb functionality not working. (note: same working fine eclipse build)

libb classes getting included if importing libb classes in projecta libb plug , play type library , not required time.

libb build.gradle file follows:

buildscript {     repositories {mavencentral()}     dependencies {         classpath ''} } apply plugin: 'android-library' android {     compilesdkversion 14     sourcesets {         main {             manifest {srcfile 'androidmanifest.xml'}             java {srcdir 'src'}             res {srcdir 'res'}             assets {srcdir 'assets'}             resources {srcdir 'src'}             jni {srcdir 'jni'}         }     }     task configurerelease << {       proguard.enabled = true     }   } 

how include libb? please guide me resolving issue.

thanks in advance

you need add dependencies node...

dependencies {     compile project(':libb') }  android {    xxx } 


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