c# - How to store a reference to a property -

is there way store reference property variable allow me access if accessing objects property, so:

var referencevariable = object.property; referencevariable = "something"; if (object.property == "something")     //it worked! yaay! 

if so, how go doing that?

edit: bit of clarity, going on:

private void updatecolor(){     if (radiobutton1.checked){         object.color1 = color.red     }     if (radiobutton2.checked){         object.color2 = color.blue     }     .     .     .     if (radiobuttonn.checked){         object.colorn = color.colorn     } } 

this sub-optimal. ideally issue handled in function fires when radio button changed, like...

private void radiobutton_checkchanged(object sender, eventargs e){     //something done here tell program interested in object.color...whatever }  private void updatecolor(){     //now know color we're looking at, can in 1 step rather looking @ thousand (i exaggerate of course) radio buttons checked states. } 

i hope helps me little bit more...

assuming i'm understanding need correctly, use action<> delegate set properties. following example code (in windows forms app) uses dictionary store delegate each radio button. radio buttons share same event handler, retrieves delegate dictionary , sets current delegate in colorsetter variable. i'm using buttons on form change color, , depending on radio button checked, appropriate color property changed.

public partial class form1 : form {     private readonly colorpropertyobject cpo = new colorpropertyobject();     private action<color> colorsetter;      private readonly dictionary<radiobutton, action<color>> setterdictionary =         new dictionary<radiobutton, action<color>>();       public form1() {         initializecomponent();         setterdictionary.add(radiobutton1, c => cpo.color1 = c);         setterdictionary.add(radiobutton2, c => cpo.color2 = c);         setterdictionary.add(radiobutton3, c => cpo.color3 = c);     }       private void radiobutton1_checkedchanged(object sender, eventargs e) {         colorsetter = setterdictionary[(radiobutton)sender];     }       private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) {         colorsetter(color.blue);     }       private void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e) {         colorsetter(color.black);     }       private void button3_click(object sender, eventargs e) {         colorsetter(color.red);     }       private void button4_click(object sender, eventargs e) {         console.writeline(cpo.color1 + " - " + cpo.color2 + " - " + cpo.color3);     } }  public class colorpropertyobject {     public color color1 { get; set; }     public color color2 { get; set; }     public color color3 { get; set; } } 


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