python - Error to launch IPython shell after source install -

i have account in centos server without sudo permission. result, tried install ipython source code python prefix=<my home directory>.

however, got error:

traceback (most recent call last):   file "/usr/bin/ipython", line 19, in <module>     ipython.frontend.terminal.ipapp import launch_new_instance importerror: no module named ipython.frontend.terminal.ipapp 

i found question same mine: ipython import failure , python sys.path in general.

i followed asker's instruction add directory of ipython ipython execution file.

#!/usr/bin/python """terminal-based ipython entry point. """ import sys sys.path.append("./ipython directory")  ipython.frontend.terminal.ipapp import launch_new_instance  launch_new_instance() 

however, got same error well. want know how can launch ipython correctly? thanks.

you want install --user flag, should put on sys.path automatically.

python install --user 

if need use --prefix other reason, make sure directory add sys.path folder containing ipython package, not ipython directory. end 'site-packages'.


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