c# - Yet Another "The input is not a valid Base-64 string..." -

so i've used aes encrypt/decrypt methods i've seen on net modified little. methods written below.

public void encryptstringaes(object threadcontext)         {             if (string.isnullorempty(inputdata))             {                 outputdata = string.empty;                 doneeventproperty.set();                 return;             }             if (string.isnullorempty(sharedsecretdata))                 throw new argumentnullexception("sharedsecret");              string outstr = null;             rijndaelmanaged aesalg = null;              try             {                 rfc2898derivebytes key = new rfc2898derivebytes(sharedsecretdata, saltdata);                  aesalg = new rijndaelmanaged();                 aesalg.padding = paddingmode.pkcs7;                 aesalg.key = key.getbytes(aesalg.keysize / 8);                  icryptotransform encryptor = aesalg.createencryptor(aesalg.key, aesalg.iv);                  using (memorystream msencrypt = new memorystream())                 {                     msencrypt.write(bitconverter.getbytes(aesalg.iv.length), 0, sizeof(int));                     msencrypt.write(aesalg.iv, 0, aesalg.iv.length);                     using (cryptostream csencrypt = new cryptostream(msencrypt, encryptor, cryptostreammode.write))                     {                         using (streamwriter swencrypt = new streamwriter(csencrypt))                         {                             swencrypt.write(inputdata);                         }                     }                     outstr = convert.tobase64string(msencrypt.toarray());                 }             }                         {                 if (aesalg != null)                     aesalg.clear();             }              outputdata = outstr;             doneeventproperty.set();         }          public void decryptstringaes(object threadcontext)         {             if (string.isnullorempty(inputdata))             {                 outputdata = string.empty;                 doneeventproperty.set();                 return;             }             if (string.isnullorempty(sharedsecretdata))                 throw new argumentnullexception("sharedsecret");              rijndaelmanaged aesalg = null;              string plaintext = null;              try             {                 rfc2898derivebytes key = new rfc2898derivebytes(sharedsecretdata, saltdata);                  byte[] bytes = convert.frombase64string(inputdata.tostring());                 using (memorystream msdecrypt = new memorystream(bytes))                 {                     aesalg = new rijndaelmanaged();                     aesalg.padding = paddingmode.pkcs7;                     aesalg.key = key.getbytes(aesalg.keysize / 8);                     aesalg.iv = readbytearray(msdecrypt);                      icryptotransform decryptor = aesalg.createdecryptor(aesalg.key, aesalg.iv);                     using (cryptostream csdecrypt = new cryptostream(msdecrypt, decryptor, cryptostreammode.read))                     {                         using (streamreader srdecrypt = new streamreader(csdecrypt))                         {                             plaintext = srdecrypt.readtoend();                         }                     }                 }             }                         {                 if (aesalg != null)                     aesalg.clear();             }              outputdata = plaintext;             doneeventproperty.set();         } 

i modified object these codes used queued on thread pool , make whole encryption/decryption process quicker. before modified code threading, works. after added threading capabilities, encounter error:

the input not valid base-64 string contains non-base 64 character, more 2 padding characters, or illegal character among padding characters.

this happens when decrypt string encrypted. below examples of data encrypted.

eaaaallzu0f1hmtq0pno/xpoobgr4zrjvhiyr43van78dded eaaaaivlxl+vtqhaf3hcfprc6xeb76kfqhfe6tbu1sn7lzh1 

i've checked requirements of base64 strings , these pretty comply requirements. tried possible answers saw here in stackoverflow no avail still. what's worse, works, doesn't. i'm running out of options here can me?


below code said methods used.

class aeshandler     {         private string outputdataproperty;         private string inputdataproperty;         private byte[] saltdataproperty;         private string sharedsecretdataproperty;         private manualresetevent doneeventproperty;         private guid signaturedataproperty;          public string outputdata         {                         {                 return outputdataproperty;             }             private set             {                 outputdataproperty = value;             }         }          private string inputdata         {                         {                 return inputdataproperty;             }             set             {                 inputdataproperty = value;             }         }          private byte[] saltdata         {                         {                 return saltdataproperty;             }             set             {                 saltdataproperty = value;             }         }          private string sharedsecretdata         {                         {                 return sharedsecretdataproperty;             }             set             {                 sharedsecretdataproperty = value;             }         }          public manualresetevent doneevent         {                         {                 return doneeventproperty;             }         }          public guid signaturedata         {                         {                 return signaturedataproperty;             }             private set             {                 signaturedataproperty = value;             }         }           private byte[] readbytearray(stream s)         {             byte[] rawlength = new byte[sizeof(int)];             if (s.read(rawlength, 0, rawlength.length) != rawlength.length)             {                 throw new systemexception("stream did not contain formatted byte array");             }              byte[] buffer = new byte[bitconverter.toint32(rawlength, 0)];             if (s.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length) != buffer.length)             {                 throw new systemexception("did not read byte array properly");             }              return buffer;         }           public void encryptstringaes(object threadcontext)         {             if (string.isnullorempty(inputdata))             {                 outputdata = string.empty;                 doneeventproperty.set();                 return;             }             if (string.isnullorempty(sharedsecretdata))                 throw new argumentnullexception("sharedsecret");              string outstr = null;             rijndaelmanaged aesalg = null;              try             {                 rfc2898derivebytes key = new rfc2898derivebytes(sharedsecretdata, saltdata);                  aesalg = new rijndaelmanaged();                 aesalg.padding = paddingmode.pkcs7;                 aesalg.key = key.getbytes(aesalg.keysize / 8);                  icryptotransform encryptor = aesalg.createencryptor(aesalg.key, aesalg.iv);                  using (memorystream msencrypt = new memorystream())                 {                     msencrypt.write(bitconverter.getbytes(aesalg.iv.length), 0, sizeof(int));                     msencrypt.write(aesalg.iv, 0, aesalg.iv.length);                     using (cryptostream csencrypt = new cryptostream(msencrypt, encryptor, cryptostreammode.write))                     {                         using (streamwriter swencrypt = new streamwriter(csencrypt))                         {                             swencrypt.write(inputdata);                         }                     }                     outstr = convert.tobase64string(msencrypt.toarray());                 }             }                         {                 if (aesalg != null)                     aesalg.clear();             }              outputdata = outstr;             doneeventproperty.set();         }          public void decryptstringaes(object threadcontext)         {             if (string.isnullorempty(inputdata))             {                 outputdata = string.empty;                 doneeventproperty.set();                 return;             }             if (string.isnullorempty(sharedsecretdata))                 throw new argumentnullexception("sharedsecret");              rijndaelmanaged aesalg = null;              string plaintext = null;              try             {                 rfc2898derivebytes key = new rfc2898derivebytes(sharedsecretdata, saltdata);                  byte[] bytes = convert.frombase64string(inputdata.tostring());                 using (memorystream msdecrypt = new memorystream(bytes))                 {                     aesalg = new rijndaelmanaged();                     aesalg.padding = paddingmode.pkcs7;                     aesalg.key = key.getbytes(aesalg.keysize / 8);                     aesalg.iv = readbytearray(msdecrypt);                      icryptotransform decryptor = aesalg.createdecryptor(aesalg.key, aesalg.iv);                     using (cryptostream csdecrypt = new cryptostream(msdecrypt, decryptor, cryptostreammode.read))                     {                         using (streamreader srdecrypt = new streamreader(csdecrypt))                         {                             plaintext = srdecrypt.readtoend();                         }                     }                 }             }                         {                 if (aesalg != null)                     aesalg.clear();             }              outputdata = plaintext;             doneeventproperty.set();         }           public aeshandler(string input, string sharedsecret, guid signature, byte[] salt)         {             if (!string.isnullorempty(input))             {                 inputdata = input;             }             else             {                 inputdata = string.empty;             }              sharedsecretdata = sharedsecret;             signaturedata = signature;             saltdata = salt;             doneeventproperty = new manualresetevent(false);         }     } 

that's actual code handles encryption/decryption process. code below creates instance of class above , queue in thread pool.

public sealed partial class aescore     {         private static list<aeshandler> encryptthreadlist = new list<aeshandler>();          public static guid aesqueueencrypt(string input, string sharedsecret)         {             return aesqueueencrypt(input, sharedsecret, encryptioncore._salt);         }          public static guid aesqueueencrypt(string input, string sharedsecret, byte[] salt)         {             guid queueid = guid.newguid();              aeshandler handle = new aeshandler(input, sharedsecret, queueid, encryptioncore._salt);              threadpool.queueuserworkitem(handle.encryptstringaes);              encryptthreadlist.add(handle);              return queueid;         }          public static guid aesqueuedecrypt(string input, string sharedsecret)         {             return aesqueuedecrypt(input, sharedsecret, encryptioncore._salt);         }          public static guid aesqueuedecrypt(string input, string sharedsecret, byte[] salt)         {             guid queueid = guid.newguid();              aeshandler handle = new aeshandler(input, sharedsecret, queueid, encryptioncore._salt);              threadpool.queueuserworkitem(handle.decryptstringaes);              encryptthreadlist.add(handle);              return queueid;         }          public static string aesfetchdata(guid signature)         {             var data = encryptthreadlist.where(s => s.signaturedata == signature).firstordefault();             string output = data.outputdata;             encryptthreadlist.remove(data);              return output;         }          public static void aesprocesswait()         {             foreach (var d in encryptthreadlist)             {                 d.doneevent.waitone();             }         }     } 

usage this:


guid strnnamelast = encryption.aescore.aesqueueencrypt(user.strnnamelast, publickeytoken); guid strnnamefirst = encryption.aescore.aesqueueencrypt(user.strnnamefirst, publickeytoken);  encryption.aescore.aesprocesswait();  string strnnamelastencrypted = encryption.aescore.aesfetchdata(strnnamelast); string strnnamefirstencrypted = encryption.aescore.aesfetchdata(strnnamefirst); 


guid strnnamelast = encryption.aescore.aesqueuedecrypt(user.strnnamelast, publickeytoken); guid strnnamefirst = encryption.aescore.aesqueuedecrypt(user.strnnamefirst, publickeytoken);  encryption.aescore.aesprocesswait();  string strnnamelastdecrypted = convert.tostring(encryption.aescore.aesfetchdata(strnnamelast)); string strnnamefirstdecrypted = convert.tostring(encryption.aescore.aesfetchdata(strnnamefirst)); 

i've found problem @ last. devised simple blowfish implementation on each string properties. apparently there problems in decryption can't explain of (although output according debugger valid base-64 string). removed encryption , worked.


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