Windows command line how to call a tool for every file in directory tree -

i have many directories many files. how call command (echo i.e.) every file?

what have done is:

for %a in (*) d:\wget>xidel.exe --extract  "//a/@href" %a > d/wget/links.txt 

it can it's job in single directory. how force process directory tree recursively?

use /r switch for command.

for /r [[drive:]path] %variable in (set) command [command-parameters]

walks directory tree rooted @ [drive:]path, executing statement in each directory of tree. if no directory specification specified after /r current directory assumed. if set single period (.) character enumerate directory tree.

so echo every filename starting in e:\temp , recursing subfolders, can use

cd /d e:\temp /r %a in (*) echo %a 


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