javascript - Get canvas size from its context -

i'm building few libraries canvas graphing in javascript, , wondering if there way size of canvas it's 2d context. looking this.

var size=ctx.size; scale=size/100; 

there multiple canvas elements here, can't canvas.width.

yes can. it's bit deeper might used to;

var sizewidth = ctx.canvas.clientwidth; var sizeheight = ctx.canvas.clientheight;  var scalewidth = sizewidth/100; var scaleheight = sizeheight/100; 

a common example of canvas context object;

> canvasrenderingcontext2d     canvas: htmlcanvaselement     constructor: canvasrenderingcontext2dconstructor     fillstyle: "#000000"     font: "10px sans-serif"     globalalpha: 1     globalcompositeoperation: "source-over"     linecap: "butt"     linejoin: "miter"     linewidth: 1     miterlimit: 10     shadowblur: 0     shadowcolor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"     shadowoffsetx: 0     shadowoffsety: 0     strokestyle: "#000000"     textalign: "start"     textbaseline: "alphabetic"     webkitbackingstorepixelratio: 1     webkitlinedash: array[0]     webkitlinedashoffset: 0     __proto__: canvasrenderingcontext2dprototype 

and htmlcanvaselement inside it;

> canvas: htmlcanvaselement     accesskey: ""     attributes: namednodemap     baseuri: ""     childelementcount: 0     childnodes: nodelist[0]     children: htmlcollection[0]     classlist: domtokenlist     classname: ""     clientheight: 150     clientleft: 1     clienttop: 1     clientwidth: 300     constructor: htmlcanvaselementconstructor     contenteditable: "inherit"     dataset: domstringmap     dir: ""     draggable: false     firstchild: null     firstelementchild: null     height: 150     hidden: false     id: "c1"     innerhtml: ""     innertext: ""     iscontenteditable: false     lang: ""     lastchild: null     lastelementchild: null     localname: "canvas"     namespaceuri: ""     nextelementsibling: htmlcanvaselement     nextsibling: text     nodename: "canvas"     nodetype: 1     nodevalue: null     offsetheight: 152     offsetleft: 8     offsetparent: htmlbodyelement     offsettop: 8     offsetwidth: 302     onabort: null     onbeforecopy: null     onbeforecut: null     onbeforepaste: null     onblur: null     onchange: null     onclick: null     oncontextmenu: null     oncopy: null     oncut: null     ondblclick: null     ondrag: null     ondragend: null     ondragenter: null     ondragleave: null     ondragover: null     ondragstart: null     ondrop: null     onerror: null     onfocus: null     oninput: null     oninvalid: null     onkeydown: null     onkeypress: null     onkeyup: null     onload: null     onmousedown: null     onmousemove: null     onmouseout: null     onmouseover: null     onmouseup: null     onmousewheel: null     onpaste: null     onreset: null     onscroll: null     onsearch: null     onselect: null     onselectstart: null     onsubmit: null     onwebkitfullscreenchange: null     onwebkitfullscreenerror: null     outerhtml: "<canvas id="c1"></canvas>"     outertext: ""     ownerdocument: htmldocument     parentelement: htmlbodyelement     parentnode: htmlbodyelement     prefix: null     previouselementsibling: null     previoussibling: text     scrollheight: 150     scrollleft: 0     scrolltop: 0     scrollwidth: 300     spellcheck: true     style: cssstyledeclaration     tabindex: -1     tagname: "canvas"     textcontent: ""     title: ""     translate: true     webkitregionoverflow: "undefined"     webkitdropzone: ""     width: 300     __proto__: htmlcanvaselementprototype 


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