c# - itextsharp output string with multiple rows -

this reference pdf trying replicate.


i working on pdf catalog , trying output red-text area.

as guys can see in pdf, outputting letters 441-11b2-ldhem straightforward. however, outputting 441-11a7-ld/rd-em1 not.

private void placechunck(string text, int x, int y) {     pdfcontentbyte cb = writer.directcontent;     cb.savestate();     cb.begintext();     cb.movetext(x, y);     cb.showtext(text);     cb.endtext();     cb.restorestate(); } 

all can think of place chunk @ corresponding areas. length process , requires calculation of charaters...

i wondering if know how in easier way? thanks.

ok, understand question.

the best way this, create small pdftemplate object, , add ld , rd @ correct place (one above other). wrap pdftemplate inside image object, , wrap image inside chunk (maybe y offset). can create phrase "441-11a7-", followed image chunk, followed "-em1". unfortunately, that's simplest way know.

another way use chunk settextrise(), you'd have find way return number of characters. while may possible, it's more difficult , more error-prone.

finally, writing custom implementation of drawinterface or verticalmark work, i'd need more time write such example (time don't have; i'm @ iso committee pdf in vienna moment).

maybe can show you've tried far?


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