ios - ipad app won't rotate in IOS6 -

i have uisplitviewcontroller ipad app. uses mainwindow.xib , subclassed rootview , detailview controllers. autorotates in ioses 5.1.

i know interface changed ios6. when add new rotation methods detail , rootview classes still not rotate.

my supportedinterfaceorientations method called, shouldautorotate never called.

does know how fix this?

(always learning no 1 can mess around badly programmer. apple.) gerry

from ios 6 release notes:

autorotation changing in ios 6. in ios 6, shouldautorotatetointerfaceorientation: method of uiviewcontroller deprecated. in place, should use supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow: , shouldautorotate methods.

more responsibility moving app , app delegate. now, ios containers (such uinavigationcontroller) not consult children determine whether should autorotate. default, app , view controller’s supported interface orientations set uiinterfaceorientationmaskall ipad idiom , uiinterfaceorientationmaskallbutupsidedown iphone idiom.

a view controller’s supported interface orientations can change on time—even app’s supported interface orientations can change on time. system asks top-most full-screen view controller (typically root view controller) supported interface orientations whenever device rotates or whenever view controller presented full-screen modal presentation style. moreover, supported orientations retrieved if view controller returns yes shouldautorotate method. system intersects view controller’s supported orientations app’s supported orientations (as determined info.plist file or app delegate’s application:supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow: method) determine whether rotate.

the system determines whether orientation supported intersecting value returned app’s supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow: method value returned supportedinterfaceorientations method of top-most full-screen controller.

the setstatusbarorientation:animated: method not deprecated outright. works if supportedinterfaceorientations method of top-most full-screen view controller returns 0. makes caller responsible ensuring status bar orientation consistent.

i know that's mouthful might want check supported interface orientations sheet in project's settings:

enter image description here


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