javascript - I have 8 single row arrays, how do I combine these into a single array with 8 rows? -

i'm trying create multidimensional array , running issue can't solve. have 8 single row arrays stored in 8 variables: row1x, row2x, row3x....row8x. ideas on how combine form 1 array?

here's have now:

var row1x = [325, 654, 47, 696]; var row2x = [567, 274, 685, 84]; var row3x = [252, 111, 2369, 0180]; 



how simply:

var rows = [row1x, row2x, row3x, ... row8x]; 

that create array looks this:

[[325, 654, 47, 696], [567, 274, 685, 84], [252, 111, 2369, 180], ...] 


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