android - Can I use 2 String resource in on same TextView in layout file? -

i have 2 string resouces file:

<string name="label_1">dumb1</string> <string name="label_2">dumb2</string> 

in textview, want textview shows static text: dumb1dumb2. how in xml layout file without define new string resouce? can it? everyone!

sometimes, must use many static strings such as: name: , name (and more such type of string). so, how avoid it? can define name , :, , set in xml: name:?

you can't have same "key" strings. use this:

<string name="label_1">dumb1</string> <string name="label_2">dumb2</string> 

p.s. can reference string string using:

<string name="label_2">@string/label_1</string>  


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