web services - What is the difference between JAX-RS and JAX-WS? -

after reading few articles jax-rs , jax-ws, had few questions want confirm?

  1. can jax-rs asynchronous request jax-ws?
  2. can jax-rs access web service not running on java platform, , vice versa?
  3. what mean "rest particularly useful limited-profile devices, such pdas , mobile phones"?
  4. what mean "jax-rs not require xml messages or wsdl service–api definitions?

can jax-rs asynchronous request jax-ws?

1) don't know if jax-rs api includes specific mechanism asynchronous requests, answer still change based on client implementation use.

can jax-rs access web service not running on java platform, , vice versa?

2) can't think of reason wouldn't able to.

what mean "rest particularly useful limited-profile devices, such pdas , mobile phones"?

3) rest based architectures typically use lightweight data format, json, send data , forth. in contrast jax-ws uses xml. don't see xml heavier json (which people may argue), jax-ws it's how xml used ends making rest json lighter option.

what mean "jax-rs not require xml messages or wsdl service–api definitions?

4) stated in 3, rest architectures use json send , receive data. jax-ws uses xml. it's not json smaller xml itself. it's jax-ws specification includes lots overhead in how communicates.

on point wsdl , api definitions, rest more use uri structure , http commands define api rather message types, done in jax-ws. means don't need publish wsdl document other users of service can know how talk service. rest still need provide documentation other users how rest service organized , data , http commands need sent.


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