SQL Server: Update portion of Merge Statement not working -

i think i've been looking @ statement way long. can tell me why update portion of statement isn't updating? think testing or , != on columns, should invoke cause updates when needed--instead, seem have unintentionally created condition ..where update never needed!

here 4 things know prior looking @ statement:
1. data in temp table #facilities populated current data multiple sources. data contains bot new (insert) , changed (update) data.
2. contents of #facilities has been verified contain data, prior executing merge statement.
3. insert portion of merge statement succeeds.
4. although update portion of statement not update changed data, statement not fail.

merge phonemaster facilitymaster  using #facilities facilitynew    on facilitymaster.facilityid = facilitynew.facilityid     , facilitymaster.siteid = facilitynew.siteid      when matched ,       (        facilitymaster.user__bid != facilitynew.user__bid     or facilitymaster.email__baddress != facilitynew.email__baddress     or facilitymaster.facility__bname != facilitynew.facility__bname     or facilitymaster.division != facilitynew.division     or facilitymaster.district != facilitynew.district       )     update set      facilitymaster.user__bid = facilitynew.user__bid,      facilitymaster.email__baddress = facilitynew.email__baddress,      facilitymaster.facility__bname = facilitynew.facility__bname,      facilitymaster.division = facilitynew.division,      facilitymaster.district = facilitynew.district      when not matched   insert   ( user__bid,     email__baddress,     facility__bname,     division,     district,             facilityid,     siteid    )   values   (     facilitynew.user__bid,     facilitynew.email__baddress,     facilitynew.facility__bname,     facilitynew.division,     facilitynew.district,             facilitynew.facilityid,     facilitynew.siteid   ); 

one thing i've noticed insert statment not populate facilityid or siteid. other suggestion make comment out 'and' clause on when matched, adding in in line @ time until fails. use merge time , fast , efficient.


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