css - Opacity IE 8 Fallback with jQuery -

i have gone through post:

set opacity javascript in ie 8?

this purely done javascript, using jquery want set opacity in ie8 not getting succeed using jquery.

so far doing this:

$('.set').click(function (e) {          var hiddensection = $('div.hidden');          hiddensection.fadein()          .css({ 'display': 'block' })          .css({ width: $(window).width() + 'px', height: $(window).height() + 'px' })          .css({ top: ($(window).height() - hiddensection.height()) / 2 + 'px',          left: ($(window).width() - hiddensection.width()) / 2 + 'px'})          .css({ 'background-color': 'rgb(190,190,190)'}) //here bgcolor          .css({ 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=1000)' }) // here opacity           .appendto('body');          $('span.close').click(function () { $(hiddensection).fadeout(); }); }); 

is there anyway achieve css opacity in ie 8, know ie8 doesn't support opacity, post mentioned gets done in ie 8 also.

this sentence .css({ 'filter': 'alpha(opacity=**val**)' }) might have break.

how can working in ie 8?


please avoid rgba() know doesn't work ie 8

any appreciated.

try this:

  /* ie 8 */   -ms-filter: "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opacity=50)";    /* ie 5-7 */   filter: alpha(opacity=50); 

so in case:

.css({ '-ms-filter': 'progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opacity=**val**)' }) 

the filter opacity value can integer between 0 , 100.

read more here.


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