c# - Manually way to trigger the CustomRowFilterEvent -

we want filter rows in xtragrid winforms. refreshdata() can take long time (all rows seem read agin db).

the method fire teh event seems hidden in depth of devexpress,

devexpress.xtragrid.views.base.columnview.raisecustomrowfilter(int32 listsourcerow) 

(a protected internal method)

is there way fire event, if gridview known?

my problems begins @ first stage. how method?

methodinfo methodinfo = gridview.gettype().getmethod("raisecustomrowfilter"); returns null

if have linq included:

dataview dv = thedatatable.asdataview(); dv.rowfilter = "mycolumn > 3"; gridcontrol1.datasource = dv; 

you can datasource

bindingsource bs = new bindingsource; bs.datasource = thedatasorce; bs.filter = "mycolumn > 3"; gridcontrol1.datasource = bs; 

these filters not visible users.


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