oracle11g - My application does not have access to my Oracle 11g database sequence -

i have sucessfully connected database through jdbc (no sid or service specified): com.test.sql.url=jdbc:oracle:thin://@111.222.333.444:1521, when java program tries insert row uses sequence created, error java.sql.sqlsyntaxerrorexception: ora-02289: sequence not exist. have verified in sql developer sequences exist database user, i'm thinking kind of permissions issue? initally created user sys sysdba , created script connected new user , created necessary tables , sequences. missing here? thanks.

i figured out problem. problem database creation script. had created sequence create sequence "ticket_seq" start 10; double quotes enforced case sensitivity. know oracle tables/sequences, etc. default case insensitive command select ticket_seq.nextval dual interpreted select ticket_seq.nextval dual , therefore lowercase sequence not found. removed double quotes script , can find sequence expected.


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