node.js - mongoose query for an array of dictionaries -

how work arrays contain dictionaries? i'm trying post fields can search text.

my attempts keep going using mongo shell.{}).where('post').in(writing).exec(function (err, result) {   //do results }); // doesn't work 

schema (edit: fixed @jam comments)

var blogschema = new mongoose.schema({   group:  string,   writing: [{         post: string,         name : number         }] });  var blog = mongoose.model('blog', blogschema); 

update: adding json data , command put data in mongodb using mongo shell:

{   group:  "design writing",   writing: [{         post: "a very short post.",         name:  10   }, {         post: "an morning post everything.",         name:  11   }] } 

*or, here 1 line insert db in collection named my_collection: *

db.my_collection.insert( {group:  "design writing", writing: [{post: "a very short post.",name:  10}, {post: "an morning post everything.",name:  11}]} ) 

objects in writing array treated sub/embedded-documents. means assigned _id when stored in database.

so, there few ways can query blogs based on these sub documents:

var objectid = mongoose.types.objectid;  // assuming these objects in 'writing' array of blog var postobject = { post: 'some text', name: 10 },     postobjectwithid = { _id: new objectid(), post: 'some text', name: 10 };  // example #1 works! blog.find({'':})     .exec(function(err, res){ onblogresult("ex#1", err, res) });  // example #2 works! blog.find({})                             .where('writing').in([postobjectwithid])     .exec(function(err, res){ onblogresult("ex#2", err, res) });  // example #3 works - same example #2! blog.find({'writing': { $in: [ postobjectwithid ]}})     .exec(function(err, res){ onblogresult("ex#3", err, res) });  // example #4 fails because of missing _id on postobject! blog.find({'writing': { $in: [ postobject ]}})     .exec(function(err, res){ onblogresult("ex#4", err, res) }); 

as see, can find objects array containing element using in if have full object (including _id).

you can view whole source on gist - test out :)

hope helps :)

read mongoose docs here.


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