sum - Excel: SUMing values that fall in a range (Extending SUMIFS to use ranges of Criteria) -

first post - please gentle.

i have interesting problem i'm trying convert flat data table cumulative total based on 2 ranges (to create cumulative graphs of progress). should easy do.

i've managed collate data summary table (effectively pivot table layout , charting purposes cant use actual pivot table).

(i'm new post images - sorry not embedded)


in screenshot i'm trying show 3 columns on left flat data table. columns & b text values can 'any' text (so cant use wild cards). column c value i'd sum.

currently i'm using sumifs statement find sum of "hours" when "week" label matches values in "column a" , "department" label matches value in "column b".

i change equation find cumulative value each week (so in example cell g6 14 - i.e. 4 week 1 , 10 week 2.)

i try , avoid duplicating entire table find cumulative need able in example replace equation in f5:




eg sum hours of weeks have come before. again - cant use wild cards , cant use pivot tables.

i imagine need use array formulae cant find online resources me.

any appreciated.

your formula works in cell f5, in g5 make add f5.

f5 =sumifs($c:$c,$b:$b,$e5,$a:$a,f$4) g5 =sumifs($c:$c,$b:$b,$e5,$a:$a,g$4)+f5 h5 =sumifs($c:$c,$b:$b,$e5,$a:$a,h$4)+g5 i5 =sumifs($c:$c,$b:$b,$e5,$a:$a,i$4)+h5 

also use entire column reference a:a if dont know total number of rows. if cant make read data table , instead of sum_range being defined locations, can use table1[week] = column instead.

hope helps



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