delayed execution - Heroku, apparent silent failure of sucker_punch -

my app runs on heroku unicorn , uses sucker_punch send small quantity of emails in background without slowing web ui. has been working pretty few weeks.

i changed unicorn config heroku recommended config. recommended config includes option number of unicorn processes , upped number of processes 2 3.

apparently much. sucker_punch jobs stopped running. have log messages indicate when queued , have messages indicate when start processing. log shows them being queued processing never starts.

my theory exceeded memory going 2 3 unicorns.

i did not find message anywhere indicating problem.

q1: should expect find failure messsage somewhere? "attempting start sucker_punch -- oops, not enough memory"?

q2: suggestions on how can notified of failure in future.


if indeed exceeding dyno memory, should find r14 or r15 errors in logs. see

a more problem, though, given haven't found these errors, within perform method of sucker punch worker throwing exception. i've found sucker punch tasks pain debug because appears lib swallows exceptions silently. try instantiating task , calling perform on rails console make sure behaves expect.

for example, should able without causing exception:

task = task.perform :something, 55 


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