c++ - Does gcc use Intel's SSE 4.2 instructions for text processing if available? -

i read here intel introduced sse 4.2 instructions accelerating string processing.

quote article:

the sse 4.2 instruction set, first implemented in intel's core i7, provides string , text processing instructions (sttni) utilize simd operations processing character data. though conceived accelerating string, text, , xml processing, powerful new capabilities of these instructions useful outside of these domains, , worth revisiting search , recognition stages of numerous applications utilize sttni improve performance

  • does gcc make use of these instructions if available?
  • if so, version?
  • if doesn't, there open source libraries offer this?

in regards software libraries @ agner fog's asmlib. has collection of many routines, including several string manipulation ones use sse4.2, optimized in assembly. other useful functions provides use return information on cpu such cache size each level , extensions (e.g. sse4.2) supported.


to enable sse4.2 in gcc compile -msse4.2 or if have processor avx use -mavx


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