asp classic - Error with FormatDateTime in VBscript -

i running vb script asp classic , getting following error:

microsoft vbscript runtime error '800a0005'  invalid procedure call or argument: 'formatdatetime'  /whatsnew/updated_pages_www.htm, line 52 

i trying work out causing error. there wrong format of date in csv file? date format is: 20090220122443

page code below:

<%@language="vbscript" codepage="65001"%> <% response.charset = "utf-8" %> <% pagetitle="what published last week on" %>  <% connectstring = "driver={microsoft text driver (*.txt; *.csv)}; dbq=" & server.mappath("/whatsnew/data")  set connect = server.createobject("adodb.connection") connectstring selectsql = "select * www.csv"   set www_rs = connect.execute(selectsql)  %>    <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/header.htm"--> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/menu.htm"--> <p class="breadcrm"><a href="/index.htm">home</a>  <span>&gt;</span> <a href="/whatsnew/index.htm">what's new</a></p> <!--<img src="/_lib/images/menu/yourarea.gif" alt="" width="891" /> --> <div class="twocolumnrow"> <div class="twocolumncontent"> <div class="contentpad"> <!-- start of main content -->  <p class="imageright">&nbsp;</p> <h1><%=pagetitle%></h1>    <% www_rs.movefirst  %>     <caption><h3>new or amended on</h3></caption> <ul class="relatedinfolinks"> <% dim pagecode, pagecode2, newfiledate, publisheddate, moddate, createddate, newfilediff, recently_published pagecode = www_rs("pagecode").value  while not www_rs.eof  pagecode = www_rs("pagecode").value pagecode2 = instr(pagecode,"pc_") pagecode3 = instr(pagecode,"~")  createddate = formatdatetime(www_rs("created_date").value,1) moddate = formatdatetime(www_rs("mod_date").value,1) publisheddate = formatdatetime(www_rs("pub_date").value,1) newfilediff =  datediff("y",www_rs("created_date").value,www_rs("pub_date").value) recently_published = datediff("y",www_rs("pub_date").value,dtnow)  if (pagecode2 = 1) , (pagecode3 = 0) , (recently_published < 8)  %>  <li> <%  response.write("<a href='" & pagecode & "'>" & www_rs("description").value & "</a>") %>   <br> last modified <%=publisheddate%> <br> <% if newfilediff < 8  %> <span style="color:red">* new page</span> <% end if %> </li> <br> <% end if   www_rs.movenext  wend  %>  </ul>   <!-- end of main content --> </div> <!-- end contentpad div --> </div> <!-- end twocolumncontent div --> <div class="twocolumnlinks">  <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/quicklinks.htm"--> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/mylinks.htm"--> </div> <!-- end twocolumnlinks div --> </div> <!-- end twocolumnrow div --> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/footer.htm"--> 

the formatdatetime function requires validly formatted date first parameter.

depending on date/time format used in location, (example: date format):

"02-20-2009 11:24:43 am" "02/20/2009 11:24:43 am" "02-20-2009 14:24:43" "02/20/2009 14:24:43" 

as test, can check validity of date this:

d = cdate("02-20-2009 11:24:43 am") d = cdate("02/20/2009 11:24:43 am") d = cdate("02-20-2009 14:24:43") d = cdate("02/20/2009 14:24:43") 

or, using isdate:

b = isdate("02-20-2009 11:24:43 am") b = isdate("02/20/2009 11:24:43 am") b = isdate("02-20-2009 14:24:43") b = isdate("02/20/2009 14:24:43") 

in case, date string: "20090220122443" valid date/time, not in valid date/time format.

you use function convert date string valid format. here example of code conversion.

strdate = "20090220122443"  wscript.echo "strconvertdatestring(strdate) =" & strconvertdatestring(strdate) wscript.echo "dateconvertdatestring(strdate)=" & dateconvertdatestring(strdate) wscript.echo  wscript.echo formatdatetime(strconvertdatestring(strdate),1) wscript.echo formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(strdate),1) wscript.echo   function strconvertdatestring (strdatestring)     strconvertdatestring = mid(strdatestring,5,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,7,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,1,4) & " " & mid(strdatestring,9,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,11,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,13,2) end function  function dateconvertdatestring (strdatestring)     dateconvertdatestring = cdate(mid(strdatestring,5,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,7,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,1,4) & " " & mid(strdatestring,9,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,11,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,13,2)) end function 

the function strconvertdatestring accepts date/time string in format , returns string in format acceptable formatdatetime function.

the function dateconvertdatestring accepts date/time string in format , returns date (cdate), acceptable formatdatetime function.

the first 1 should work in locations. second might work better if there issues date conversions particular location. should need implement , use 1 of these 2 functions.

in case, depending on location, may need edit functions adjust way mid() used compose date/time string.

note: written testing in vbscript (cscript.exe). copy/cut/paste function .asp file use. use function this:

createddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),1) 


here more detailed explaination of how add function .asp page , how use function.

first, need add function asp page.

edit page.

normally, function declarations placed inside <head> section this:

<html> <head> ... ... <%     function dateconvertdatestring (strdatestring)         dateconvertdatestring = cdate(mid(strdatestring,5,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,7,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,1,4) & " " & mid(strdatestring,9,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,11,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,13,2))     end function %> </head> <body> ... <!-- there more <html> or <% asp code %> here ... --> 

or, inside <body> section this:

<html> <head> ... ... </head> <body> <%     function dateconvertdatestring (strdatestring)         dateconvertdatestring = cdate(mid(strdatestring,5,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,7,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,1,4) & " " & mid(strdatestring,9,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,11,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,13,2))     end function %> ... <!-- there more <html> or <% asp code %> here ... --> 

in case, looks sections of page contain <html>, <head>, </head>, , <body> tags contained in included files. can verify examining files:

"/_lib/include/header.htm" "/_lib/include/menu.htm" 

so, in case, you'll want insert function declaration page after <!--#include virtual= lines, like:

<!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/header.htm"--> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/menu.htm"--> <%     function dateconvertdatestring (strdatestring)         dateconvertdatestring = cdate(mid(strdatestring,5,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,7,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,1,4) & " " & mid(strdatestring,9,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,11,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,13,2))     end function %> 

or, insert function declaration one of these files:

"/_lib/include/header.htm" "/_lib/include/menu.htm" 

next, find statements using vbscript date functions passing dates formatted this: "20090220122443"

that (most likely) of these:

createddate = formatdatetime(www_rs("created_date").value,1) moddate = formatdatetime(www_rs("mod_date").value,1) publisheddate = formatdatetime(www_rs("pub_date").value,1) newfilediff =  datediff("y",www_rs("created_date").value,www_rs("pub_date").value) recently_published = datediff("y",www_rs("pub_date").value,dtnow) 

and edit statements use function convert dates, this:

createddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),1) createddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),1) moddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("mod_date").value),1) publisheddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("pub_date").value),1) newfilediff =  datediff("y",dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("pub_date").value)) recently_published = datediff("y",dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("pub_date").value),dtnow) 

so, if code provided in question still correct , complete, here same code using date conversion function:

<%@language="vbscript" codepage="65001"%> <% response.charset = "utf-8" %> <% pagetitle="what published last week on" %>  <% connectstring = "driver={microsoft text driver (*.txt; *.csv)}; dbq=" & server.mappath("/whatsnew/data")  set connect = server.createobject("adodb.connection") connectstring selectsql = "select * www.csv"   set www_rs = connect.execute(selectsql)  %>    <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/header.htm"--> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/menu.htm"--> <%     function dateconvertdatestring (strdatestring)         dateconvertdatestring = cdate(mid(strdatestring,5,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,7,2) & "/" & mid(strdatestring,1,4) & " " & mid(strdatestring,9,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,11,2) & ":" & mid(strdatestring,13,2))     end function %>  <p class="breadcrm"><a href="/index.htm">home</a>  <span>&gt;</span> <a href="/whatsnew/index.htm">what's new</a></p> <!--<img src="/_lib/images/menu/yourarea.gif" alt="" width="891" /> --> <div class="twocolumnrow"> <div class="twocolumncontent"> <div class="contentpad"> <!-- start of main content -->  <p class="imageright">&nbsp;</p> <h1><%=pagetitle%></h1>    <% www_rs.movefirst  %>     <caption><h3>new or amended on</h3></caption> <ul class="relatedinfolinks"> <% dim pagecode, pagecode2, newfiledate, publisheddate, moddate, createddate, newfilediff, recently_published pagecode = www_rs("pagecode").value  while not www_rs.eof  pagecode = www_rs("pagecode").value pagecode2 = instr(pagecode,"pc_") pagecode3 = instr(pagecode,"~")  createddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),1) createddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),1) moddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("mod_date").value),1) publisheddate = formatdatetime(dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("pub_date").value),1) newfilediff =  datediff("y",dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("created_date").value),dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("pub_date").value)) recently_published = datediff("y",dateconvertdatestring(www_rs("pub_date").value),dtnow)   if (pagecode2 = 1) , (pagecode3 = 0) , (recently_published < 8)  %>  <li> <%  response.write("<a href='" & pagecode & "'>" & www_rs("description").value & "</a>") %>   <br> last modified <%=publisheddate%> <br> <% if newfilediff < 8  %> <span style="color:red">* new page</span> <% end if %> </li> <br> <% end if   www_rs.movenext  wend  %>  </ul>   <!-- end of main content --> </div> <!-- end contentpad div --> </div> <!-- end twocolumncontent div --> <div class="twocolumnlinks">  <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/quicklinks.htm"--> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/mylinks.htm"--> </div> <!-- end twocolumnlinks div --> </div> <!-- end twocolumnrow div --> <!--#include virtual="/_lib/include/footer.htm"--> 

to give try, copy current .htm file whatever.htm. then, replace (or edit) current .htm code above.

unfortunately, don't have way test complete asp page.

if still have problems this, helpful if provide copy of actual .htm file, , copy of files: /_lib/include/header.htm, , /_lib/include/menu.htm


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