iphone - Detecting when keyboard of a entryelement returns monotouch.dialog -

i'm using code detect returning keyboard of entry element in monotouch.dialog.

   rltentryelement createserverurlentry(){          try {               servernameentryelement = new entryelement ("website url","placeholder",         "value");               servernameentryelement .returnkeytype = uireturnkeytype .done ;              servernameentryelement.shouldreturn += shouldreturnmethd;             return servernameentryelement ;          } catch (exception ex) {             rltlog .handleexception (ex);             return null ;         }     }  public bool shouldreturnmethd ()         {              rltlog .loginfo ("helllllllllllllo");             return false  ;         } 

it works , log "helllllllllllllo" after pressing 'done' . keyboard not disapper. should use work corectly?

just call "resignfirstresponder"

public bool shouldreturnmethd () {     rltlog.loginfo ("helllllllllllllo");     servernameentryelement.resignfirstresponder(true);     return false; } 


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