- Asp:BoundField how to force input width -

silly question...


<asp:boundfield datafield="prevduration" headertext="prev."              sortexpression="prevduration" itemstyle-width="25">         </asp:boundfield> 

html output:

<td style="width:25px;"><input name="ctl00$maincontent$gridview1$ctl03$ctl02" type="text" value="1" size="5" title="prev."></td> 

so code specifies td width, how instead can specify input width?

ps. way size=5 comes out from?

use controlstyle-width="25px" property.

<asp:boundfield datafield="prevduration" headertext="prev." sortexpression="prevduration" controlstyle-width="25px"> </asp:boundfield> 


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