sql - MYSQL - get lowest bid from table group by product (results weird) -

ok, baffled going on query trying following: lowest bid grouped product_id , load in product information related bid.

currently when running below query says me bid_id column product_id = 2 30 definetly not 30, should 120 (although bid_price value correct @ 29.99):

select lowbid.bid_id, lowbid.bid_price (select bid_id, min(bid_price) bid_price, product_id tbl_products_bid is_active = 1 , is_deleted = 0 group product_id) lowbid; 

now due query giving me random bid_id's, not sure why wondering if sql guru provide me insight 1. if being totally thick or 2. if there way or why getting random bid_id not related bid_price.

i have created sqlfiddle can explain mean grateful.


also let know query part of query took out element think giving me issue (i.e above) part of bigger query below:

select lowestbid.bid_id, lowestbid.product_id, lowestbid.bid_price seller_bid_price, seller_description, pb.is_countdown, pb.startdate, pb.enddate   tbl_products_bid pb   inner join (     select bid_id, product_id, min(bid_price) bid_price, seller_id, description seller_description, is_countdown, startdate, enddate tbl_products_bid is_active = 1 group product_id   ) lowestbid on pb.bid_id = lowestbid.bid_id order lowestbid.bid_price asc 

select  a.*    tbl_products_bid         inner join         (             select  product_id, min(bid_price) min_price                tbl_products_bid             group   product_id         ) b on  a.product_id = b.product_id ,                 a.bid_price = b.min_price 


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