java - Sample XML HashMap for SimpleXML -

using simplexml lib android possible create hashmap out of these:

<items>     <item>         <id>1</id>         <name>chicken</name>         <amount>13</amount>     </item>     <item>         <id>2</id>         <name>potatoes</name>         <amount>3</amount>     </item> </items> 

i want create hashmap contain id , item, this:

hashmap<integer, item> 

where id id of item (the value itself). possible?

i tried creating item class holds id, name , amount:

class item { @element(name=id) public int id;  @element(name="name") public string name;  @element(name="amount") public int amount; 


and created wrapper like

class items {  @elementmap(@field="item", keytype=integer.class, valuetype=item.class) private map<integer, item> mitems = new hashmap<integer, item>();  // .. getters / setters 


but fails find corresponding fields...

when use list instead of hashmap - works expected. need hashmap addition list field in items wrapper class.

any help?

is maybe might that:

how serialize map<string, string> using simple xml?

it doesn't explicitly point integer,string hashmap show idea.


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