listview - How to do Drag and Drop in WPF between two lists? -

i'm having hard time solving issue of mine, i'm literally going mad.

here's idea: have 2 listview elements, , need open dialogue when element drops first list onto second, need both information element being dropped , element being added fill in dialogue.

the thing is, can't basic functionality right - , opening dialogue on drop.

i'm going learn d&d technique start finish, need way @ least call dialogue.

after writing , erasing code thing have left following:

    private void lvlistaradnika_mousedown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e)     {         dragdrop.dodragdrop(lvlistaradnika, presenter.selected, dragdropeffects.none);     }      private void listview_drop(object sender, drageventargs e)     {         dodavanjerezervacije dr = new dodavanjerezervacije(new dodavanjerezervacijepresenter(null,true));;     } 

at point need happen , after i'll see adding necessary checks, feeding dialogue data adding adorner.

if explain as possible drag , drop along way highly appreciate it, @ point need fire up.

converting comment answer:

you should give try gong wpf drag , drop framework. helps these kind of things in clean , nice (mvvm) way.


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