vb.net - how call a outlook function in outlook htmlbody by clicking on hyperlink in outlook addin application -

how call createoutlookcontacts function on click on activation link ..

outlook function code given below

mailitem.htmlbody = "


welcome in constacts world....

please click on below link add contact in address book

"activitation link"

**//my function want call on activation link**  public function createoutlookcontacts(byval sid integer) boolean  try   dim sql string = "select * subscriberprofile"   dim connectionstring string = _ "data source=c211\c211;initial catalog=ctc;user id=sa;password=sa"   dim sqlconn new sqlconnection(connectionstring)   sqlconn.open() ' sets connection, closed here newcontact.fileas = "arnav chauhan"  newcontact.email1address = "arnav.chauhan@gmail.com"   newcontact.email2address = "abc@live.com"   newcontact.mailingaddress = "meerut up, india"   newcontact.subject = "contact crated vb.net"   newcontact.jobtitle = "software engineer"   newcontact.save()   next   end function 


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