c++ - will move semantics prevent copying here? -

// --- move constructor matrix(matrix&& other) throw() : data_(other.data_), rows_(other.rows_), columns_(other.columns_) { other.rows_ = other.columns_ = 0; other.data_ = nullptr; }  // --- move assignment matrix & operator=(matrix&& other) throw() {     using std::swap;     swap(rows_, other.rows_);     swap(columns_, other.columns_);     swap(data_, other.data_);      return *this; } 

multiplyadd implementation:

template <class t> matrix<t> multiplyadd(const t a,const matrix<t> &x,const t b) {     matrix<t> out(a*x+b);     return out; }  template <class t> matrix<t> multiplyadd(const matrix<t> a,const matrix<t> &x,const t b) {     matrix<t> out(a*x+b);     return out; }  int main(){     matrix<> x = // initialization     auto&& temp_auto = multiplyadd(a,x,b);     (int = 1; < n-1; i++) {         temp_auto = multiplyadd(temp_auto,temp2,b); }     return 0; } 

question: use of auto keyword in last code snippet avoid creation of temporaries? before , more important inside 'for' loop.

will use of auto keyword in last code snippet avoid creation of temporaries?

no. temporary needs created anyway, since temp_auto reference, , there must reference bound to.

your odds avoid creation of temporary higher if had done:

auto temp_auto = multiplyadd(a,x,b); 

in case compiler perform copy/move elision , construct result of multiplyadd() directly temp_auto, without having call move constructor.

the reason talking "odds" per paragraph 12.8/31 of c++11 standard, compiler entitled, not obliged, perform copy/move elision.

to clarify going on, try explain compiler has when returning object. consider simple function , subsequent function call:

x foo() { x x; /* ... */ return x; }  // ...  x y = foo(); 

here, when returning x, compiler have to:

  1. move-construct temporary x (let's call t);
  2. move-construct y t.

now copy elision, compiler allowed avoid creation of temporary t, construct returned object x directly in y, , elide both calls move constructor.

on other hand, inside loop:

temp_auto = multiplyadd(temp_auto,temp2,b); 

you doing assignment. in our simple example, equivalent of:

x foo() { x x; /* ... */ return x; }  // ...  x y; y = foo(); 

even here, when returning x foo(), compiler has to:

  1. move-construct temporary x foo() (let's call t again);
  2. move-assign t y.

even in case, creation of temporary can avoided passing directly x (instead of t) move-assignment operator assigns y, although call move-assignment operator cannot elided (only calls copy/move constructors can elided).

notice, true both in original example (where temp_auto reference) , in modified example above, temp_auto object of class type.


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