c# - Form2 Value returns 0 when exit -

i have main form , form 2 (which modal form).

when enter form 2, there combo box , selected value stored in class. there, works fine because messagebox confirms value stored.

but when exit form 2 , main form display value in textbox, value returns 0.

form 2:

private void btnok_bs__spec_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     bsit bsit = new bsit();     string spec = cboit_spec.text;          {         if (spec == "animation , game development" || spec == "digital arts")         {             bsit.setspec(spec);             messagebox.show("you chose " + bsit.getspec() + ".", "specialization",             messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.information);              }         else         {             messagebox.show("please select specialization.");         }     }     while (bsit.getspec() == ""); } 


public class bsit : student {     public bsit()     {         spec = "";     }      private string spec;      public void setspec(string spec)     {         if (spec == "animation , game development" || spec == "digital arts")         {             this.spec = spec;         }     }      public string getspec()     {         return spec;     } } 

main form (display value of spec)

private void txbxspec_input_textchanged(object sender, eventargs e) {     bsit bsit = new bsit();      if (!(bsit.getspec() == ""))     {         txbxspec_input.text = bsit.getspec();     } } 

you've got 2 separate instances of bsit class. need pass first instance instance of form 2 or make bsit class static.

at least think that's cause, can see in code posted. don't see you're instantiating form contains btnok_bs__spec_click event.

you're "new"ing instance of bsit in btnok_bs__spec_click event , saving value it, goes out of scope event ends lose value. you're trying user's value first instance of bsit.


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