NCURSES - How to identify which selection was made in C -

i wanted make simple gui ncurses. i'm using c, , mac os x os. have code make gui, "buttons" , highlight selection, can moved arrow keys. here's code:

#include <stdio.h> #include <ncurses.h>  #define width 30 #define height 10   int startx = 0; int starty = 0;  char *choices[] = {              "choice 1",             "choice 2",             "choice 3",             "choice 4",             "exit",           }; int n_choices = sizeof(choices) / sizeof(char *); void print_menu(window *menu_win, int highlight);  int main() {   window *menu_win;     int highlight = 1;     int choice = 0;     int c;      initscr();     clear();     noecho();     cbreak();   /* line buffering disabled. pass on */     startx = (80 - width) / 2;     starty = (24 - height) / 2;      menu_win = newwin(height, width, starty, startx);     keypad(menu_win, true);     mvprintw(0, 0, "use arrow keys go , down, press enter select choice");     refresh();     print_menu(menu_win, highlight);     while(1)     {   c = wgetch(menu_win);         switch(c)         {   case key_up:                 if(highlight == 1)                     highlight = n_choices;                 else                     --highlight;                 break;             case key_down:                 if(highlight == n_choices)                     highlight = 1;                 else                      ++highlight;                 break;             case 10:                 choice = highlight;                 break;             default:                 mvprintw(24, 0, "charcter pressed = %3d can printed '%c'", c, c);                 refresh();                 break;         }         print_menu(menu_win, highlight);         if(choice != 0) /* user did choice come out of infinite loop */             break;     }        mvprintw(23, 0, "you chose choice %d choice string %s\n", choice, choices[choice - 1]);     clrtoeol();     refresh();     endwin();     return 0; }   void print_menu(window *menu_win, int highlight) {     int x, y, i;          x = 2;     y = 2;     box(menu_win, 0, 0);     for(i = 0; < n_choices; ++i)     {   if(highlight == + 1) /* high light present choice */         {   wattron(menu_win, a_reverse);              mvwprintw(menu_win, y, x, "%s", choices[i]);             wattroff(menu_win, a_reverse);         }         else             mvwprintw(menu_win, y, x, "%s", choices[i]);         ++y;     }     wrefresh(menu_win); }  

ok, code works perfectly. question how can identify label has user selected? mean, how can know if presses "choice 1" or "choice 2", etc.?

i know it's pretty dumb question, i'm new library , can't figure out. reading, hope can me out!


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