html - jpGraph can't include PHP file -

i trying include 1 php file in php file creates jpgraph image

(the reason loading mysql data chart, , want put login credentials separate file)

i know chart created (because correct image file created) chart not show in web page.

here simplified code example:

  <?php   $lhostname="localhost";   $lusername="joeschmack";   $lpassword="autumnleaf";   $ldatabase="customers";   ?>  


<html>   <head>      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">     <title></title>   </head>   <body>     <h3>this want display graph</h3>     <img src="accbarex1.php">   </body> </html> 


<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"  require_once ('../../../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php'); require_once ('../../../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php'); include("./");   $data1y=array(-8,8,9,3,5,6); $data2y=array(18,2,1,7,5,4);  // create graph. these 2 calls required $graph = new graph(500,400);  $graph->setscale("textlin");  $graph->setshadow(); $graph->img->setmargin(40,30,20,40);  // create bar plots $b1plot = new barplot($data1y); $b1plot->setfillcolor("orange"); $b1plot->value->show(); $b2plot = new barplot($data2y); $b2plot->setfillcolor("blue"); $b2plot->value->show();  // create grouped bar plot $gbplot = new accbarplot(array($b1plot,$b2plot));  // ...and add graph $graph->add($gbplot);  $graph->title->set("accumulated bar plots"); $graph->xaxis->title->set("x-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->set("y-title");  //$graph->title->setfont(ff_font1,fs_bold); //$graph->yaxis->title->setfont(ff_font1,fs_bold); //$graph->xaxis->title->setfont(ff_font1,fs_bold);  // display graph $graph->stroke();  //save file $filename = "/tmp/imagefile.png"; $graph->img->stream($filename);  ?> 

the file shows correct chart, web page accbarex1.html shows broken image. if comment out line


then both work.

why? , how can include file in situation?

edit 5-13-2013:

given include line active. helps (both file , embedded chart work)

  • ./ not exist
  • ./ empty

this not (only file works, embedded chart not work)

  • use absolute path include file
  • ./ contains line bla // php error
  • ./ contains line $i=1; // no php error, no php tags

edit 5-14-2013:

some slight progress: firefox shows same behavior, @ least error message. error console says:

image corrupt or truncated: http:// .. acbarex1.php

i found problem was. had characters after closing ?>, not see them because spaces , newline. these characters messed jpgraph image.


  <?php   $lhostname="localhost";   $lusername="joeschmack";   $lpassword="autumnleaf";   $ldatabase="customers";   ?><space><space><newline> 


  <?php   $lhostname="localhost";   $lusername="joeschmack";   $lpassword="autumnleaf";   $ldatabase="customers";   ?> 

that fixed it! beware characters!


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