android - Parse : invalid username, password -

i using parse api databases , trying use username service provides. understand tutorial in order login :

parseuser.logininbackground("jerry", "showmethemoney", new logincallback() {   public void done(parseuser user, parseexception e) {     if (user != null) {       // hooray! user logged in.     } else {       // signup failed. @ parseexception see happened.     }   } }); 

if login failed, wondering how tell whether failed because username typed in invalid, or password. know can e.getcode() type of error occurred, site couldn't find error codes pertaining invalid username/password

thank james

this did check username/password validity in 1 of applications. method submits query against parseuser class , returns true if passed username exists, if know username valid.

(check externally parseexception.object_not_found - in conjunction can tell whether user needs register or has invalid password.)

public boolean querycredentials(string username) {         parsequery<parseuser> queryuserlist = parseuser.getquery();         queryuserlist.whereequalto("username", username);         try {             //attempt find user specified credentials.             return (queryuserlist.count() != 0) ? true : false;         } catch (parseexception e) {             return false;         }     } 

hopefully can issue.


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