php - How to get custom URL structure after passing variable through GET method? -

i have problem in php form : isbn number variable . view.php opens in url : localhost/../view.php?isbn=0810982463. whereas want url structure localhost/..../0810982463. know can done using post method, can done using method ?

<form action="view.php" method="get">    <p class="name">             <label for="isbn">isbn no. &nbsp;</label>     <input type="text" name="isbn" id="isbn" value="0199555311">         </p>         <p class="submit">           <input type="submit" value="search book" />         </p> </form> 

no matter what, form submission in query string format, @ google's form submission, or stack overflow's own searching. way things have been standardized across browsers.

if want pretty, after submission, you'll need redirect user pretty url.


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