Remove div without class when contains custom element with jquery -

i'm trying remove stray elements. have no class or id attributes whom have custom element without id or class attribute. there cases custom element have class name.

the p should remain, have either text or video element.


is there better way work?


"getimage" custom tag.

<div class="ajaxposttext"> <p><getimage style="display:none;" height="360" width="640" src="http://localhost:8888/localtesting/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/687a91dca2_ku-xlarge.jpg" class="transform-ku-xlarge"></getimage></p> <p>movies long. film masterpieces can shave off few minutes here , there can off our butts, away laptops, out of theaters, eyeballs off tv little bit earlier. so. how short can movie gist of it? can done in 9 single frames?</p> </div> 

this remove p tags without id , class. included demo sample getimage tag too.



if want remove elements inside container.


for specific example have provided try this:- demo

$('*', '.ajaxposttext').not('[id],[class]').remove(); 

more filter:- remove p tags no id, no class, no text. demo

$('p', '.ajaxposttext').not('[id],[class]').filter(function(){      return  $.trim($(this).text()) === ''  }).remove(); 


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